Well done❗️
Well done❗️
Why you removed Touhous characters?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 6.1.6
The game is the best adaptation of Touhou shooters for iOS. Yet the update that removes Touhou characters is an excess. It doesnt make the game original, spoiling the fun.
Just what the danmaku shooting doctor ordered!
I got this game yesterday and I am loving it but I noticed a main problem and that was I could not use a bomb or go into focus mode while moving. I have to stop in order to do that and stopping gets me hit by a bullet because Lunatic shenanigans. If a hotfix could come out that solved this issue it would give the game a lot more fluidity with dodging everything. Other than that this game is absolutely amazing and I would recommend it to anybody who is both a fan of Touhou and danmaku STGs
This is good, but, do not criticize, but there should be a practice like mode featuring easier to dodge danmaku to make the game more possible.
Thanks for bringing a Touhou game to iOS! This game is great, runs perfectly, and I like how you put Touhou: Memories of Phantasms 4th opening in the game. Really nice. Please input multi-touch so we can press the bomb or shot button when were moving. Also, when you fight the stage boss how about you put their themes in? Like, for stage 1 when you fight Cirno play her theme or Keines theme since Keines stage theme is stage 1s theme.
This game is AWESOME! All it needs is better controls and more music.
Keep it as close to the Touhou games as possible. Dont nerf the bosses or allow saves.
I can tell this wasnt made by ZUN just by playing it. Its not bad, but its missing that special Touhou style. Otherwise, very good gameZ
I just love it but the stage 1 is pretty hard for me, plus can you make unlocking characters easier?
Yuyukos name is misspelled in the character select menu, and the dialogue is nothing like what Touhou characters would actually say. Cirno is not "ice queen", but "ice fairy". Please fix the broken English and character accuracy. Otherwise the gameplay is smooth.
This game woulda been nice......if there wasnt forced payment for difficulty and characters. The payment of "gold" to continue more then once could be nice......if you do it right. Also, cirno doesnt act like cirno. And icicle fall doesnt look exactly like icicle fall neither. Something called RESEARCH woulda been nice. Also, cirnos an ice FAIRY, not an ice QUEEN. Character spell cards could be announced better. Also, the hitbox isnt that obvious. I havent seen all of the story, but i assume from the other reviews that it might be tainted simply from the other characters acting completely different. That, and locking characters behind difficulties....was that REALLY NECESSARY?
Well first off the whole micro transactions. If it was Zun uploading the game then Id understand, but this is you using all of his sprites and characters and charging for them. Now to point out whats wrong with the game. You should be able to bomb while moving the character. I have to lift my finger to hit the bomb button, or to switch between shot and laser, which is really inconvenient. The last boss was pretty cool and the spell cards creative, but seeing as this app was made to make money off people with "gold" to continue and "locked characters" its going to be a one star for me.
Okaaay, lets get this out of the way, most character names are still incorrect and playable characters/hard/lunatic still should not be locked. For example, Tenshi is named the Fate Godness(Goddess is spelled incorrectly.), NO. I understand, copyright issues, but you should not give the characters random names. Tenshi has nothing to do with fate. Give her a name that relates to her personality, or put her species, a Celestial. Having to 1CC normal to unlock the other playable characters is not how it works. There is a reason why Touhou has more than one playable character. People may prefer the slow, homing and needle Reimu, rather than the fast and narrow laser Marisa. Now, onto the levels of difficulties. You should not have the hard/lunatic mode locked, and have them be unlocked by 1CC normal. People dont want to be restricted and only have to play the easier levels. They want a challenge, thats the point of bullet hell. Besides, you dont want them to play same formatted stages over and over, it will get tedious, and the player will stop playing altogether. That is the opposite of what you are trying to do in a game.I have no idea why you decided to change the music. Its not a big deal. However, the spell cards have not changed. Cirnos Icicle Fall still is hard, why pink bullets raining down? Does that relate to Cirnos ability whatsoever? And you should NOT have the boss theme play at the midboss. Now, I am not sure if this happens with other bosses, because I heard it happen at midboss Cirno. But no, keep the stage theme for the midboss. And adjust the screen touch so that people can tap two fingers on the screen for quick bombing or shot type switching. Also, Tenshis midboss attack is unfair, most of the bullets change direction near you, so if youre next to one, it may slam right into you. Thats not fun to deal with, bullet hell is supposed to be fun. The color of the words in the main menu have been changed to white, which it NOT a good color against the background you used. Give it a stroke. Furthermore, how do you gain lives and bombs in the game? As far as I can see, you get two lives and thats it. Oh, and after you beat a bosss spell card in Touhou, they drop power points and the blue points, but in this game they dont. Oh yeah. Change your screenshots.
Fix the names of the characters. Like in the character select it says Yoyoku and its Yuyuko. Also what are coins for? The splash screen and title screen dont look very good to me.
I was really excited to find a new Touhou game that was actually a shooter in the App Store. Now after I played the game, I have some things to say. I genuinely wanted to like the game. I kind of was a bit irked that some things in the game were taken care of differently than the real Touhou games. First of all, I dont like how most things need to be unlocked. I like to choose things the way you can in the actual games. Also, I find the modes to be mixed up. Easy is like normal, normal is like hard mode, and I dont know about Hard or Lunatic, because, again, bad game locks. My main complaint, however, is gold. Honestly, whats the point? You shouldnt have to pay to use a continue so much. And lastly, the life and power system. Now, I dont have much of a problem with bombs, but the lives. THE LIVES. There are so little! Every time you lose even one life, they hit you with the continues.
The fact that theres a Touhou game is good enough for me just hope it doesnt get taken down like touhou fantasy night many years ago and thanks for not making it plagued with ads only thing that would be a nice change is instead of 1 hit hearts could it be a health bar instead that way theres an actual chance to get futher with out continues other then that great so far hope to see continuos updates. And to those who complain about the names some of you answered your own question its not their game so they misspelled names on purpose due to copyright other wise itll get taken down like before so its either wrong names or game gone forever
Please make all the playable characters free because those are not your characters and you should not take other peoples characters so you can make money off of them. Not only that, you are using ZUN sprites off of Imperishable Night, which is against ZUNs guidelines about fan games. I really liked it, but there arent many lives, you should be able to earn lives by getting a certain number of point items since the point items are useless. Marisa Kirisame should do LOTS of damage like the actual games since her lasers dont do much damage, AND PLEASE FIX THE BOMBS. The bombs dont seem to do any damage or do any harm to the boss besides the fairies. Also, another good idea is maybe open a shop where you can spend all your gold you earn ingame for new characters and maybe a new shot type like maybe Marisas shot type from SA. Or maybe even add team characters from Imperishable Night. This game has a lot of potential but I think it needs a lot of work in order for this game to be fun and not rigged.