Okaaay, lets get this out of the way, most character names are still incorrect and playable characters/hard/lunatic still should not be locked. For example, Tenshi is named the Fate Godness(Goddess is spelled incorrectly.), NO. I understand, copyright issues, but you should not give the characters random names. Tenshi has nothing to do with fate. Give her a name that relates to her personality, or put her species, a Celestial. Having to 1CC normal to unlock the other playable characters is not how it works. There is a reason why Touhou has more than one playable character. People may prefer the slow, homing and needle Reimu, rather than the fast and narrow laser Marisa. Now, onto the levels of difficulties. You should not have the hard/lunatic mode locked, and have them be unlocked by 1CC normal. People dont want to be restricted and only have to play the easier levels. They want a challenge, thats the point of bullet hell. Besides, you dont want them to play same formatted stages over and over, it will get tedious, and the player will stop playing altogether. That is the opposite of what you are trying to do in a game.I have no idea why you decided to change the music. Its not a big deal. However, the spell cards have not changed. Cirnos Icicle Fall still is hard, why pink bullets raining down? Does that relate to Cirnos ability whatsoever? And you should NOT have the boss theme play at the midboss. Now, I am not sure if this happens with other bosses, because I heard it happen at midboss Cirno. But no, keep the stage theme for the midboss. And adjust the screen touch so that people can tap two fingers on the screen for quick bombing or shot type switching. Also, Tenshis midboss attack is unfair, most of the bullets change direction near you, so if youre next to one, it may slam right into you. Thats not fun to deal with, bullet hell is supposed to be fun. The color of the words in the main menu have been changed to white, which it NOT a good color against the background you used. Give it a stroke. Furthermore, how do you gain lives and bombs in the game? As far as I can see, you get two lives and thats it.
Oh, and after you beat a bosss spell card in Touhou, they drop power points and the blue points, but in this game they dont.
Oh yeah. Change your screenshots.
[]D (Im blindfolded) about Orient Fantastic Dream